What to Expect at Your First Therapy Appointment
Abbey S / September 5, 2021
So you've scheduled your first appointment with a counselor at Fit Mind Cleveland and are not quite sure what to expect, or you might just be thinking about trying out therapy for yourself or a loved one and want to know more. Check out a short video explaining some of the basics of what to expect at your first Fit Mind Cleveland appointment.
Your first session is typically different from future visits whereas with the initial appointment is a time for everyone to get to know each other and discover what your goals are, future visits will be much more therapeutic in nature. We've found that sometimes people have felt discouraged after their first session since its usually a lot of questions and not actual therapy, but don't worry this is just so we can get to know you on a personal level. While these details or stories about you may seem insignificant, they are important to understanding your whole story.
We understand that going into your first session of counseling can feel intimidating, but hopefully with some insight into what to expect and how the process works, you'll feel more comfortable taking that first step of getting started. If you have more questions or would like to reach out to speak to someone directly, please check out our Common Questions and Contact pages.
Abbey S.
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